digital dance studio + creative community

a welcoming space to (re)discover your movement & momentum

Been feeling distant from your body or creative spark? 

Whether you've been caught up with work or family obligations, are recovering from an injury, or just seem to have let your personal priorities slip away... 

You’re not alone.

We aim to make it easy for adults to keep their dancing and creativity alive, whether it's been decades or days since you last moved. 

Accessible through our app or any browser, here you can find:

that allow you to go at your own pace

Recorded on-demand classes in a variety of styles at a beginner and rusty non-beginner level. Plus daily dance challenges to give you boosts of momentum.

  • Full length classes in Rusty Ballet, Ballet Breakdown, Contemporary-ish, Hip-Hop, Express the Mess
  • Warm up recordings and "dance breaks" for quick movement to get you going
  • Injury Prevention sessions to help you stay safe as you ease in
  • "Dance Alone, Together" 13-Day Series to get your creativity and body in motion
  • and more!

to stimulate movement in all areas of your life

Get a boost in your confidence, mindset, and creative expression through specialized courses, prompts, workshops, challenges, and more. 

  • "Dance Into Your Answers" 10 day movement and writing series for clarity and direction through embodiment
  • "Start Before You're Ready" workshop to help you break the ice
  • "Dance With This Book" digital copy (included with the 13-day series!)
  • Movement Meditations for audio guidance to get moving and centered
  • Playlists for Dancing so you never run out of music!
  • and more!

so you can feel less alone

Discussion forums where you can ask questions, connect with other members, and feel encouraged to dance again and again.

...all accessible through our Dance Again mobile app or any desktop! 

With the challenges that come with adulting, it can be hard to prioritize the things that bring you joy, especially as intimidation and self-consciousness arise as our bodies change and we age. 

Instead of trying to fit yourself into the mold of what dance once was for you (or what you wished it could have been) join the Dance Again Community, a space where you can welcome dance back into YOUR life on YOUR terms - however creative, "weird," wild, or imperfect it might feel! 

what members are saying:


Join us today! 

Scroll down for the details and let's get started!